Best Bar None sets a gold standard in safer socialising by promoting safety, responsible management, and excellence in the licensed trade.

The aim of Best Bar None is to make socialising safer and more enjoyable for all!

Best Bar None accredited venues are evaluated for their excellence in

safety, customer service, and responsible alcohol management.

  • Alternative or supportive steps before enforcement.
  • Tailored to local needs and issues.
  • Aims to reduce alcohol-related crime and antisocial behaviour.
  • Promotes excellence in the licensed trade.
  • Establishes benchmarks and shares best practices.
  • Recognition of responsible operators.
  • Fosters strong partnerships across the licensed trade.

What is Best Bar None?

Best Bar None accredited venues are evaluated for their excellence in

safety, customer service, and responsible alcohol management.

  • Recognised in the Home Office’s “Police-led Interventions Toolkit”
  • Promotes venue commitment to customer wellbeing.
  • Over 2,500 accredited premises.
  • Senior industry support.
  • Over 60 towns and cities plus airports.
  • Growth and expansion plans – marketing strength of national organisations.

Benefits to Venues

Increased Profile

Your venue recognised as a safe place for a night out.


Build relationships with local authorities, police, and other businesses.

Industry Image

Promotes a responsible industry image.

Free advice and Support

Access to free templates and guidance. Bespoke report giving best practice advice and suggested improvements.

Themes of Assessment

Venue Management

Evaluates security and safety measures, noise reduction, and litter management.

Staff Training and Care

Assesses how businesses support staff development and wellbeing.

Customer Safety and Welfare

Ensures venues prevent alcohol sales to minors and ensure overall customer safety.

Customer Service and Community

Recognises efforts to provide a welcoming environment and community involvement.

Benefits to Scheme Areas

Benefits to Business Improvement
Districts (BIDs)


Promotes collaboration with police, council, and other schemes.


Fosters relationships with the licensed trade sector.

Training Opportunities

Identifies training opportunities to add value.


Provides a dedicated initiative for the licensed trade.


Generates valuable data for funding
and promotional purposes.


“It has consistently demonstrated how excellent partnerships can make a real difference to the safety of the town and the prosperity of its leisure and hospitality sector.”

Pete Lambert

Experience Guildford

“The collaborative nature of Best Bar None, working with producers, premises, licensing officials and local authorities, is invaluable in making our towns and cities safe places to enjoy a night out and we are proud to be a partner”.

Catharina von Franck

On-Trade Sales Director, Diageo GB

“We believe BBN accreditation is of benefit to our members because it ensures that they are running an establishment that is responsibly run, and has evidence that all legal documentation and staff training is up-to-date and of a high standard.”

Alison Inch

Commercial Development Manager, NUS Charity